آگهی |
متون علمي و پزشکي به زبان انگليسي
Preface: 1 Banana Plant and its Clinical Uses, 2 Meditation, 3 The Mosquito: Public Enemy No 1, 4 Aging Theory?, Does Eating Yogurt Prolong Life, 5 Comic Relief, 6 Acid Test Helps Critically III Patients, 7 Stress: Another Chimera, 8 Why Sugar is Bad For You, 9 Malaria: A Case Study of Coevolution, 10 The white Badge of Science, 11 The Healing Power of Faith, 12 Why Stress Gets on Your Nerves, 13 Women and the Discourse of Science
شابك:9789649810768 قيمت 55000ریال
Preface: 1 Banana Plant and its Clinical Uses, 2 Meditation, 3 The
Mosquito: Public Enemy No 1, 4 Aging Theory?, Does Eating Yogurt Prolong
Life, 5 Comic Relief, 6 Acid Test Helps Critically III Patients, 7
Stress: Another Chimera, 8 Why Sugar is Bad For You, 9 Malaria: A Case
Study of Coevolution, 10 The white Badge of Science, 11 The Healing
Power of Faith, 12 Why Stress Gets on Your Nerves, 13 Women and the
Discourse of Science
تاریخ: 1390/12/25
مشاهده :
414 |